Annual Meeting  - June 9, 2024

Join us for our Annual Meeting following worship on Sunday, June 9, 2024

Final Agenda
  • Prayer
  • Quorum
  • Council Report
  • Business
    • Reconciling in Christ (RIC)
      • Motion for Salt House to join Reconciling in Christ
    • Property
      • Property Vision Committee Update
      • Kirkland Co-op Preschool
        • Motion to approve Kirkland Co-op Preschool as a renter
    • Nominating Committee
      • Motion to approve nominees for the Nominating Committee
    • Church Council
      • Motion to approve nominees for Church Council
    • Budget for FY24-25
      • Motion to approve the Budget for FY24-25
  • Prayer
  • Adjourn

Membership Info

Membership is prerequisite for voting in our Annual Meeting

As a registered non-profit in the state of Washington, an ELCA congregation, and by the guidelines in our constitution, we are required to have a record of membership at Salt House whenever we engage in the business being a church together.

You can still participate fully in the life of the Salt House community in all areas except two:
  • Only members are able to vote during our Congregation meetings
  • Only members can hold an official position of governance (e.g., Salt House Council). 

Becoming a member at Salt House is easy. Simply click the "Become a Member at Salt House" button below to fill out a membership application form. Got questions? Visit our FAQs page. And if you need some more specific feedback, just send us an email and we'll get back to you!

Membership URL: